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Love It Or Leave It; Review 2.0: YSL Tawny 5 Color Harmony For Eyes

Hello folksickles. As a makeup junkie and blogger you may have realized that I review a LOAD of eyeshadow palettes and I like to think of myself as being largely an eyeshadow junkie. In order to de-clutter a bit  I've decided to pick out a palette or series of eyeshadows for the month and have that be my monthly selection for those instances where I'm not doing a tutorial for the blog. Every month I'll do a recap on the eyeshadows - how I feel about them and whether I'll be keeping them or giving them away (and why :P) as well as if I think it's worth its price tag. Yes there's two a month now! I figured maybe I could get through more this way :D

You can find a tutorial I did for this palette here and here are the looks I created this month:

So as you can see I created a bunch of soft, neutral looks with this palette. I feel very torn about this palette because honestly, I feel like it just brightens up my eyes in such a pretty way but I'm also pretty certain that I have other palettes with similar shades in them that I probably like better, hence why I haven't really reached for this palette although every time I use it I think "oh this is nice!" I will be holding onto it for now but I'm just not certain I'll keep holding onto it.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Disclaimer:  This palette was provided for testing purposes. I am under no obligation, nor am I being compensated, to mention it on this blog. 

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