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Why I've been MIA - My sh*tty August

Hello everyone! 

As you might have notieced I've been MIA since the middle of August. There's been several not so fun things happening which led me to have a lot of other things on my mind.

First off, on the 9th of August, my brother was in an accident. He drives a 125cc MC, and on his way to work in Oslo he crashed with a bus. He had a lot of damage and broken bones which led for him to be in put in a coma for a few hours. The same day he had two operation because of his broken jaw and femoral ( the bone in his thigh). He also had a bleeding in his brain and kidney and two broken ribs.

Here's the X-ray of his thigh. You can see it's a very bad break.

After a week at Ullevål Hospital he was transferred to Gjøvik because it wasn't so serious anymore and his life wasn't in danger anymore. Because of his broken jaw he was not able to chew, so for the past 6 weeks he's only been eating yoghurt, porridge and soups. He's lost 15 kilos in the past month and a half, and he's still not able to walk. He's using crutches, as he's been doing since the accident. At the check-up he had today he was told that he's still not fit to walk, so he's going to spend another 6-8 week on crutches. After almost a week at the Gjøvik hospital he was sent home.

Then, exactly two weeks after his accident on the 23rd I was driving to visit him when my car caught fire. I noticed some smoke and a bad smell, so I opened the hood of my VW Polo and I saw the flames. I closed the hood and ran to the closest house to get a fire extinguisher. We emptied it on the car, but it didn't work so I got my stuff which I luckily managed to save.

As you can see there's really not that much left of it.

Then on the same night, my boyfriend and I broke up, so then I had to start moving. Today it's been a month and as I'm typing this I'm also carrying things out to my car to go to my mum's. Luckily we're both still very good friends and there's not hard feelings, so it's not really been a problem living together while we've been moving things.

I hate moving, it's so much stress! But at least I have a room to go home to even though it's really small and I really don't want to move home! 

Then my mum's boyfriend managed to back into another car, but that's not really something big. Then last week he went to visit his mother, and found her outside the house in pain. She'd broken her hip. Also our landlord was sent to the hospital a week ago with a really hard stomack-ache which they still don't know what is. 

It's safe to say it's been a rough month! But now I'm back, and as soon as I'm all in at my mother's place and have gotten in order I'll be back to doing reviews ! 

Oh, and I also dyed my hair in a red copper-shade! I'm really happy with it, and I think I'll keep this color for a while!
Not the best picture, but you get the point! I used a hair dye from H&M called Red Copper =)

On a better note, though, I applied for a job in Florida at the Epcot Sentre in Walt Disney World. It would be so much fun to live and work in the US for a year! Such an experience! I had a skype interview earlier today and I think it went well, so hopefully I'll get a room at the Norwegian Pavillion! 

But that was what I had to say for now! Now I'll drive my new car, a VW Golf, to my mum's and start to get my room in order =) 
I'll talk to you soon!

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