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'For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic...'

Epic and evocative words from the Jedi Master in self-exile Obi-Wan Kenobi to the young and impressionable Luke Skywalker, then for the first time wielding the magical lightsaber of his father, from the original Star Wars. Words that made an impressionable impact on the minds of millions of worldwide cinema-going fans too, whose wish to see these extraordinary Samurai/monk-like heroes of old in their prime finally came to life twenty-two years later with the arrival of George Lucas's prequel saga, and in particular via the realisation of a younger more hot-headed version of Kenobi, brought to life with enthused zeal by Ewan McGregor, paired with an all-new character of noble yet maverick charisma, truly at one with the so far known nature of the Living Force- Master Qui-Gon Jinn, as played with distinction by Liam Neeson. On screen, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gonn made for a worthy pairing, especially in the dramatic scenes linked to the potential discovery of The Chosen One, and in their breathtaking final apocalyptic lightsaber duel against the emergent emissary of the Dark Side in Sith Assassin, Darth Maul.

But before the Invasion of Naboo, and before the entire events of the Prequel era launched with EPISODE I, popular author Claudia Gray returns to the franchise's book realms, charting an all-new 'past' adventure for the two Jedi, during the early testing days of what will become their unique friendship as servants of the Old Republic. Out this month in the UK (April 18th, 2019), the eagerly awaited Century hardback edition: Master & Apprentice.

Here's the book details:

A Jedi must be a fearless warrior, a guardian of justice, and a scholar in the ways of the Force. But perhaps a Jedi’s most essential duty is to pass on what they have learned. Master Yoda trained Dooku; Dooku trained Qui-Gon Jinn; and now Qui-Gon has a Padawan of his own. But while Qui-Gon has faced all manner of threats and danger as a Jedi, nothing has ever scared him like the thought of failing his apprentice.

Obi-Wan Kenobi has deep respect for his Master, but struggles to understand him. Why must Qui-Gon so often disregard the laws that bind the Jedi? Why is Qui-Gon drawn to ancient Jedi prophecies instead of more practical concerns? And why wasn’t Obi-Wan told that Qui-Gon is considering an invitation to join the Jedi Council―knowing it would mean the end of their partnership? The simple answer scares him: Obi-Wan has failed his Master.

When Jedi Rael Aveross, another former student of Dooku, requests their assistance with a political dispute, Jinn and Kenobi travel to the Royal Court of Pijal for what may be their final mission together. What should be a simple assignment quickly becomes clouded by deceit, and by visions of violent disaster that take hold in Qui-Gon’s mind. As Qui-Gon’s faith in prophecy grows, Obi-Wan’s faith in him is tested―just as a threat surfaces which will demand that Master and Apprentice come together as never before, or be divided forever.

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