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LUSH Review - Star Light Star Bright Bath Melt

Okay, okay I know this was a Christmas release for 2013, but...I've only just used it... This is probably you right now eh?
LUSH's Star Light Star Bright (SLSB) was one of those things that I just did NOT want to pick up in store. For some reason, it wasn't even the HUGE amount of glitter, I just didn't care for it...then I decided to order it online. Logic. Not. 
I had to take pictures of it in it's packaging, there was no way I was letting this little bugger out of it's wrapping in my bedroom! Let's start off with the look, it's a little five-pointed star COVERED in silver glitter. It's SO SPARKLY! 
I'm very much one who likes to make the most out of my LUSH stuff, so I decided to cut this up into five pieces. It's soft but not as soft as a massage bar, this was my first time using a bath melt. I have to say I did really like the bright turquoise 'surprise' centre. 
This little sucker smells divine, I don't know where LUSH gets ginger and lime from. That scent description would completely put me off. This thing smells like LEMON SHERBET, straight up. It's so sweet and lemony, I swear it actually smells fizzy, how do they do this? No idea! 
When in the bath I used one segment, and really like the results. I got a pale turquoise bath (obviously if you used the whole thing you'd get a deep turquoise) and a lovely sherbet scent. If you don't like lemons (like me) don't be put off by this, it's ah-mazing! 
I will definitely be buying more LUSH bath melts this was so cool, and I kinda love that it looks like butter. 
I'd recommend this to you, but it was limited edition...wow I'm a bugger aren't I? I have my fingers crossed that they bring out something with this scent in soon, I would honestly buy a shower gel, ANYTHING in this scent! 
Also, I caved and ordered more from LUSH...

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