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Halle Berry Rocks a New '70s Look. Is the afro making a comeback?

Halle Berry Rocks a New '70s Look
Is the afro making a comeback?

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 at 4:38 pm | Liz Dunphey

For a recent Russia Interview magazine, Halle Berry rocked a 70’s inspired wardrobe akin to Diana Ross in Mahogany. And in her new movie, The Call, where she plays a 911 caller on the hunt for a serial killer, Halle wears a funky, curly afro, that is also vaguely '70s. What gives? We know Marc Jacobs, as far back as 2010, sent Louis Vuitton models down the runway in ruffled baby doll dresses and curly afro wigs. Is the afro making a comeback?
It has long roots in America—Angela Davis, the brilliant radical at Berkley sported it first, making it grand and beautiful to hippies. Remember The Way We Were? Barbara Streisand and her communist afro were perfect. Sure, she straightened it for part of the movie, playing the good Hollywood girl, and lost Robert Redford—but in the end, she returned to the afro, and she sang a really great song (drawing a tear from all of us).
Halle is known for her short pixie hair cuts, flawless beauty, and brightly colored dresses. She tends towards the conservative look. And of course, she always looks “Halle Berry gorgeous” on the red carpet. Yet her new afro look in the thriller The Call is much hipper. It is a new edgy move, and a great look. It keeps us on our feet, just like her characters, and she pulls it off, with elegance, toughness, and panache. Time will only tell, whether girls will be scampering to imitate this look, like they once did with Rachel on Friends. But it's a brave look, and kudos for Halle and her new movie for attempting to pull it off.
Check out The Call movie still below to see Halle's 70s-inspired.


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