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Planet of the Apes scenario as Rhesus Monkeys being tortured in China and claim of gene editing intelligence research is fake news for research profiteers

Aaron Luther
Animal stories
  Chinese scientists are attempting to create the Planet of the Apes I recent fake news that came  from is land of many peoples.  The news of suppose gene editing tools and techniques being perfected brings up the idea of the Ape slave that FOXCONN and other Chinese companies are attempting to bring about as everyone will have their walk able chimp space like Caesar form the original planet of the apes as humans had monkey as pets on this classic series.
Ephesus macaques mother fuckers in China have been given human genes if you wish to elite Chinese  snake oil media and have had their brain altered to the point that they have the IQ greater than many Chinese people and now the ethics of supposedly improving Monkeys and apes
intelligence is being debated after the fact. The braininess Chinese unnamed scientists according the Chinese state media edited the human version of a gene called MCPHI and their news report is saying that the gene made the monkeys brains   less like animal fat and butter and more human-like cognitive ability so says the trusted media outlet called China Daily. The gene-hacked apes had better reaction time and short-term memory .Like most
science research and claims the word if and could was used often I. These news reports of the success and importance of editing fucking genes in monkeys. MIT Tech says pinpointing the genes role in intelligence could sop scientists understand how humans evolve, which can be translated we are part of the a citified community and wish to have steady work on grants and taxpayer subsidies torturing and manning Monkeys. This news I seem on many links from Drudge Report of a planet  of the apes the scenario is bullshit but it ponders would humanity that is so dog obsessed and love to keep as
slave pets for entertainment ever contemplate Doug the same with pet apes? Would sick fucks want an ape sex as many dream urgently of robot sex and preferences of it? I think any quacks would have a as tall ape dog like pet scenario and this drive for let beast and domain buddies may be what's dwelling scientific research NFL this ape slave  gene editing Frankenstein type co sit ironing and creating and the days if ape pets are coming my friends.

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