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'The Beguiled' (2017)

Sofia Coppola's new movie finally premiered last weekend here, and i was really anxious to watch it after all the praise and good reviews it got. It even won the fucking Palme d'Or at Cannes for Best Director, so they all couldn't be wrong. So i finally watched it last Friday, the very first day that opened here and... i don't know if i liked it.

There's nothing wrong with Coppola's film, the only problem was that the trailer revealed quite a lot from the plot, but that wasn't why i didn't enjoy it. It was because the fucking audience at the cinema was rude and commented out loud many parts of the movie, drawing my attention from the movie. So i'm really frustrated about it. But having said  this, i can comment about it.

'The Beguiled' as a film, is a beautiful work of art. As usual in Sofia Coppola's films, the photography is exquisite, the dresses are a dream for anyone in love with that period, and the location was beautiful, as it was filmed in New Orleans which for me is one of the most mesmerizing places in the States. But the acting is what really stands out of the movie, and how could be otherwise with such an excellent cast? First, it has Nicole Kidman which is something amazing as i get my fave director and one of my faves actresses working together. There's also Colin Farrell which it's not one of my faves but he's really good here, and two Sofia Coppola girls that i adore: Kirsten Dunst, Sofia's muse, as 'The Beguiled' is the third movie working together after 'The Virgin Suicides' and 'Marie Antoinette', and the other Sofia girl is Elle Fanning, teaming up again after 'Somewhere'. They're absolutely delightful to see in her movies and here was no exception. And then there's the young talent with Oona Laurence, Addison Rickie, Angourie Rice and Emma Howard that sometimes are real scene-stealers.

Aside from the cast, the setting and the photography, the movie is a combination of a lot of things as it has comedy, drama and mystery. But what i liked most is that goes from having a lot of tension to humour, which often is related to one another. But mostly, is loaded with a lot of femininity behind bars. Not only does 'The Beguiled' echoes Coppola's debut 'The Virgin Suicides' but also 'The House of Bernarda Alba', Lorca's drama that did inspire Jeffrey Eugenides for his story about the Lisbon sisters. These group of women, mostly young ages but still, find themselves isolated from the world as the American Civil War is taking place, and they're drowned in the routine of the Seminary of Young Ladies that Kidman leads. So, the abrupt visit of a wounded Union soldier makes them exude all their feminine charms with some sort of desperation that anyone can notice, making them awkward, giggly and full of intentions whenever they're around their new toy. And that's as far as i can tell without revealing too much.

I have to mention though a shot that really has captured my mind, that it's the final scene of the movie. When we see how the ladies have finally got ridden from the soldier and they're behind the fence of the house, safe and still trapped inside, with that feeling of being captives in their own home. When the camera starts zooming between the bars to them, we get the claustrophobic feeling that i mentioned from Lorca's novel, and it leaves you both uneasy and anguished, as they're removing the only thing that made them feel alive.
(End of spoiler)

I'm really hoping that when i'll re-watch the movie once it comes out in dvd i can enjoy it as much as i should had in the cinema. I'm worried that as i know everything that happens it won't be the same and the joy and thrill of watching a new film has been stolen from me. But well, in the meantime, check out some very great behind the scenes photos that mix that period with modern times after the cut, because if the movie is something, it's totally a beautiful thing to watch.

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