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8 solo museum tours you should visit

Solo museum tour

The existence of the museum is a forum for the preservation and development of community culture. If You are in Solo City, visit the museum be an interesting idea because there is many historical museums can be explored.

Solo City in Central Java has everything to attract tourists. Its success in the world of tourism is no joke indeed. In addition to contemporary tourist attractions, Solo also has several museums that are no less interesting. Visiting a museum is not only a great way to travel, but also to learn about different types of history. Here are some of the best museums in Solo that shouldn't be missed. Check out the full review.

1. Nusantara Keris Museum

Nusantara Keris Museum

Photo credit: Pariwisatasolo.surakarta.go.id

The first museum you can visit is in the Sriwedari region. The location of the Keris Nusantara Museum, which was initiated directly by President Joko Widodo as Mayor of Solo, is very strategic. You won't find it hard to find as it's in the heart of Solo City. The Keris Nusantara Museum was built with 4 floors, which look very modern as it is equipped with an escalator.

Although it has modern architecture, this museum still has a very strong Javanese feel to it. As soon as you enter the first room you will be given a Petruk puppet board with welcome words in Javanese. There are also many beautiful ornaments and carvings on the left and right. Two statues of Buto look dashing in a seated pose.

The Nusantara Keris Museum houses a wide variety of keris of different shapes and ages. This place has stored around 346 keris from the start. Over time, many people donated their personal Keris collections to be kept in the museum. In addition to keris, various cultural goods such as gamelan and Central Javanese clothing are kept in this museum.

place: J L. Bhayangkara No. 2, Sriwedari, Kec. Laweyan, Surakarta City.

2. Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat

Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat

Photo credit: Michelin.com

It is not complete to see a museum in Solo without visiting the Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat. This place used to serve as a kingdom, today it is a museum. There are royal collections such as stretchers, statues, carriages and ancient weapons that you can see in this museum. However, there are some places that you cannot enter, including King Pakubuwono's residence.

In addition to the beauty of the building, Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat also offers tours of cultural heritage such as sacred dances, music and traditional ceremonies such as sekaten. This Sekaten is a celebration to commemorate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, which is performed for 7 days. The last day was closed with Gunungan Maulud. A month earlier, the Sekaten night market had taken place on the square north of the Keraton.

place: Baluwarti, Kec. Kliwon Market, Surakarta.

3. Danarhadi Batik Museum

Danarhadi Batik Museum

Photo credit: Piknikdong.com

There is also the Danarhadi Batik Museum. This museum was founded in 2008 by the batik company Danar Hadi. You can find different types of batik collections here from time to time. There are approximately 10,000 pieces of batik fabric used as collections in the Danarhadi Museum. When you visit the Batik Museum, you will learn many things about batik, from the history of how to make it to the philosophy of every type of batik in existence.

Because of the large number of batik collections owned by this one museum, they were later put on the MURI record. The batik collections in the museum are not only large, but also offer the best quality from different regions of Indonesia. Among them are Javanese Hokokai Batik, Sumatran Batik, Chinese Batik, Dutch Batik, Coastal Batik such as Lasem, Kudu, and Pekalongan which have fantastic and even priceless prices.

Not only can you have a look around, you can also attend a batik workshop in person. Visitors are also taught how to distinguish original batik from the factory-made printed batik fabric. The printed tie-dye fabric is reversed, the reverse fabric is white, unlike the original tie-dye fabric. Because the original batik went through many processes such as tilting, stamping, dyeing and color binding.

place: J L. Slamet Riyadi No. 261, Sriwedari, Kec. Laweyan, Surakarta City.

4. Lokananta Museum

Lokananta is said to be the first music studio in Indonesia, which also stores the sound recordings of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. This Laweyan recording studio is the birthplace of legendary musicians such as Gesang, Titiek Puspa, Waldjinah and Bing Slamet. They had recorded his golden voice at this point. Until now some Indonesian musicians have started to re-record their songs here.

In addition to many historical recordings and as a recording studio, Lokananta also maintains thousands of collections related to the music industry and cultural arts in Indonesia. One of these is the Lokananta Kyai Sri Kuncoro Mulyo gamelan set, which is said to have existed since the time Prince Diponegoro was brought to Solo. Not only that, there is also a record called Asian Games IV: Souvenir From Indonesia which features recordings of Indonesian folk songs.

place: J LA Yani No. 379 A, ​​Kerten, Kec. Laweyan, Surakarta City.

5. Radya Pustaka Museum

Radya Pustaka Museum

Photo credit: IndonesiaKaya.com

Founded by Kanjeng Raden Adipati Sosrodiningrat IV, the Radya Pustaka Museum is the oldest museum in Indonesia. This building was once a building that served as a storage room for royal letters. Over time, it wasn't just letters that were stored. Various important objects from the kingdom are also kept there. This place increases the number of collections and also becomes a museum.

There are seven rooms in the Radya Pustaka Museum. While various types of dolls are housed in the first room, while metal objects and miniature joglo houses can be seen in the second room. Different types of ceramics are kept in the third room and the library is in the fourth room. The bronze collection is in the fifth room. There is a great gamelan and weaving tool in the sixth room, and a statue of Rojomolo in the seventh room.

place: Slamet Riyadi St No. 275, Sriwedari, Kec. Laweyan, Surakarta City.

6. US Museum

The UNS Museum or the Museum of Sebelas Maret University is a new museum that was inaugurated in 2017. The museum is located on the 7th floor of the library building on the UNS campus. Has various collections on the history of the US journey, from the planning of the facility to the current state of the US. familiarizes you with the UNS campus. Various collections like hoes were used as symbols for the first embrace of US evolution.

Not only that, the charter and photos of the US Rector from the beginning until now are neatly lined up in the museum. There is also a timeline panel that explains in detail the history of the UNS from its initial idea to its alignment as a world-class university. In the UNS Museum you can also find old typewriters, several trophies and sports equipment.

place: J L. Ir Sutami No. 36A, Jebres, Kec. Jebres, Surakarta City.

7. National Press Museum

National Press Museum

Photo credit: Wikiwand.com

If you'd like to learn more about the history of the national press, head to the Solo Press Museum. Here you will find various documentaries on the history of the national press. There are ancient documents on reporting technology and communication technology issues such as telephones, transmitters, magazines, newspaper collections, and ancient transcripts from 1821 to the present day.

In front of the building you can read the newspapers Suara Merdeka, Solopos and Republika free of charge, which are on the reading board. As you enter the museum, you will see six dioramas that from time to time depict the evolution of the world of journalism. Not only that, this museum is very well guarded by the cultural service. They offer approximately 15,000 collections of books that you can access in the library in the museum.

place: J L. Gajahmada No. 76, Timuran, Kec. Banjarsari, Surakarta City.

8. Museum of Dayu Cluster Prehistory

Photo credit: Jejakbocahilang.wordpress.com

The last museum not to be missed is the Dayh Cluster Prehistoric Museum. This museum is part of the complex of the Saringan archaeological site in Karanganyar. Various layers of soil from prehistoric times hundreds of thousands of years ago and various types of ancient artifacts are on display in the Dayu cluster. This museum is for you if you want to deepen your archeology and geology.

Thanks to the construction, Klaster Dayu has a modern impression in the middle of a remote village. The government is working very hard to build this one museum. Not only is the building modern, the technology of this museum is also sophisticated. There is attractive multimedia support in the museum. In each building, visitors will find a three-dimensional film room and a computer that are suitable for student learning.

place: Dayu, Kec. Gondangrejo, Kab. Karanganyar.

This is a complete rundown of the museums you can visit in Solo. Not only can you travel, but you can also gain new knowledge that you may not get in school. Solo has a number of interesting museums for you to explore. Some of them even have modern and aesthetic building designs so that you can feel at home for a long time.

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