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Little Rock Nightclub shooting exposes bored black gangster underclass dangers in fly by country

Baxter Lomax
   The concert of a black power nightclub should be a clear sign that eventually the place will have a shoot out reminiscent of the Ok corral. Why any fly by country city like Little Rock would hand over the keys to a old downtown building to black gangster hillbillies is not known and as long as there are nightclubs that cater to the rap and criminal black underclass with no morale shootings like this will always be a common experience across america. most of these nightclub shootings are always black gang involvement and what you are seeing is a criminal bored black rural underclass attempting to act like their more entertaining and celebrated big city urban thugs as one sees on numerous television police programs that the shitty corporate cable and media monopolies continually put out, such shit as the Wire TV show among others.
 cities like Little Rock that allow shady shithead businessmen to open and run a business lie this Power Ultra Night Club deserve news tragedies that show off their decaying criminal city in such national lite as these city leaders allow the culture and morality of ghettoization to spread because some gangster jackass as bucks and wants to open a dirty laundry business. This crummy fly by state capital city has seen a  dramatic uptick in black drive by shootings and crimes as these small cities get tons of displaced blacks returning to the South  from expensive urban areas like Chicago,Boston, and New York.
They are short of resources and getting the worse of the worse of state crossing blacks, who often change their names and the black migration patterns of this domestic perpetuating  underclass in some ways are retrospective of the rural Mexican trash that has found its way to america through the last two decades thanks to Democratic control of the White House. With increased black populations people in Little Rock are seeing third world Somalian-type failed states and chaos coming to their communities and anyone wondering why we have this prison complex system should come first hand to see the crime and destitution black underground criminal underclass can wreck on communities.

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