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L'Oreal Glam Shine Reflection 174 Sheer Peach

This gloss is one of the 4 new shades available here in Slovenia. However, as far as I'm aware there are 8 new shades available (at least in the UK's Superdrug). They have the typical L'oreal heart-shaped applicator, which works great. As the name suggests the colour is peachy-coral, almost orange, with golden shimmer. Staying power is decent, it lasts a couple of hours. It is not sticky. I paid 9.60€ in Müller. It's a nice gloss, however, it irritates my lips right after application (this happens to me with all L'Oreal glosses). The burning sensation ceases after a couple of minutes.

Glos je eden izmed 4 novih odtenkov na voljo v Sloveniji, čeprav jih je na voljo 8 v VB. Ima tipičen L'orealov aplikator v obliki srca, meni je kar všeč. Barva je breskovo-koralna, skoraj oranžna, z zlatimi bleščicami. Obstojnost je v redu, približno 2 ure. Ni lepljiv. Kupila sem ga v Müllerju za 9,60€. Glos je ok, ampak takoj po nanosu me pečejo ustnice (to se mi dogaja z vsemi L'Orealovimi glossi). Pekoč občutek izgine po parih minutah.

Glam Shine Reflexion 172 Sheer Watermelon, 173 Sheer Framboise, 174 Sheer Peach, 181 Sheer Grenadine:

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