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Last week was awful.

Like really awful.

This week is ok so far, although we are still dealing with the mess that last week created.


But guess what?  Yesterday I broke down and had some m&m's...they tasted awful.  M&M's never taste awful to me.  I also had a caffeine free Pepsi with my meal.  So the challenge did not go that well yesterday, but this morning I stepped on the scale and to my utterly surprised delight I saw that I have lost THREE pounds.  YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning I was in Acts 2 and I was caught by this portion -

Those who received His Word -
1) they were baptized
2) they continually devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching &
     a) to fellowship
     b) to the breaking of bread &
     c) to prayer

Here in a bit I want to use the Blue Letter Bible site to look into what exactly is meant by the breaking of bread - is this communion or meal amongst believers?  Isn't is fascinating to read about what the earliest believers did?

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