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I'm really behind in everything. I've let everything go. I haven't watched many movies, and I haven't blogged much, either. I've been trying to get stuff done around the house since I'm a big DIY sort of guy; which means I follow the directions on the packages of the stuff I buy from the chain warehouse fixer-upper store, cut my hands, mash my thumbs, put it together wrong, and have the results not function properly and look like crap. And due to circumstances beyond my control I haven't been able to watch bad movies; and by 'circumstances beyond my control' I mean Mrs. Deathrage would't let me watch them the past few days because she 'wants to watch something good for a change'.

Well, I showed her because we watched something kind of lousy. Stupidity is a documentary about the little researched area of humans doing dumb stuff. It's done in that rapid-fire editing style where a whole bunch of brief snippets of people doing dumb stuff are thrown at the screen while a narrator talks about how everything's going to Hell in a handbasket. I was not impressed, and I think I've seen it before. I could put forth a little effort and do the research to see if I actually have seen it before, but meh. I don't wanna, and I don't care that much. I'm just going to sit here and apply more antiseptic ointment to my various home improvement injuries. I really should hire someone to do my home improvement for me. I watched Stupidity on Snagfilms. Here's a trailer, but it looks like crap and it's slightly NSFW due to language and brief pixilated nudity:

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