My latest cake decorating job was for a 40th birthday. Only request was that it have something to do with cricket. After discussing with some other friends about what I should do and joking that I should do a cake in the shape of an insect cricket, I got down to the serious job of working out what I would do. Okay so the insect would have been funny and I am sure the birthday boy would thought it was hilarious, his wife probably would have ripped my head off. LOL
I considered doing a large cricket bat but he is more of a bowler. So I thought that I could do a cricket ball but I don't have the sphere pans and I really didn't want to buy them. So instead I decided to make a cricket field. It turned out really well. I had wanted to set it up as a proper cricket field with players. However I couldn't get any little plastic cricket players. So instead I wrote "Stumps" on the scoreboard to explain while there were no players. LOL. I was really happy with how the cake turned out and it was a big it with everyone at the party.
I have blanked out the name of the person as their surname was on the scoreboard.
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