So for want of anything better to write about on a Monday, I'm going to go through all my copies of Who's Who and see if I can predict who will make it over to the new DCU by the end of 2012, who might make it and who hasn't got a Pariah's chance.
ORION - with the events of the Justice League first arc, I think it highly likely that Orion will make an appearance at some point but I don't think it'll be before the end of 2012.
O.S.S. - this World War II precurosr to the CIA could get a mention in the pages of G.I. Combat, I suppose, but I doubt it. Feel free to tell me I'm wrong!
THE OUTSIDER - a surprise inclusion in the original Flashpoint series was an updated version of this little-known villainous alter-ego of Alfred Pennyworth, Batman's butler. As far as I know, though, there's been no hint of him making an appearance in the New 52.
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